The Book of Days

144pp paperback, 6×9″ / 15 x 23 cm
Colour interior and cover
Available in hard and paperback


Available to purchase via
Hardback $45.00 plus postage
Paperback $29.99 plus postage

I designed this anthology live at the Sydney Writers’ Festival over 5-days, inviting audiences to watch the book design process in action via a screen attached to my laptop. I set the grid, style guide and commissioned some illustrations beforehand, with 17 illustrations created live by myself and others. Part 2 includes 4,000 words and multiple drawings contributed by festival attendees on site. The challenge was achieving a visual consistency across fiction and non-fiction submissions from festival presenters, and audience contributions. And the insane deadline: the book was available to purchase one week after the festival closed.

Read more about the project here.

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