

Father, Son and Other Animals

Father, Son and Other Animals is an illustrated short story collection which explores climate change and species extinction through the lenses of parenting and creative practice. It’s funnier than…


Guide to the Creatures in Your Neighbourhood

In 2020, I joined the Urban Field Naturalist Project, along side Field Philosopher Thom van Dooren, ecologists Dieter Hochuli and John Martin, and fellow designer Andrew…



A visual essay about the relationship between genetically modified creatures in Margaret Atwood's Maddaddam trilogy and the real world science they are based upon.


Critical Documentation practices

This article presents guidelines for developing a critical documentation practice; a generative approach to documenting design research which emphasises drawing out the interplay between design practice and literature/precedents, to build a ‘credible evidence base’ for scholarly reporting. The guidelines are targeted at design researchers – particularly students and designers new to scholarship – conducting design practice as a mode of inquiry.

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What is a book in the digital age?

What I have come to realise is this: electronic books can do certain things that print books cannot, and therein lies their value. Enhanced electronic books are changing our definition and expectations of books.

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After Ed-werd Rew-shay

(Another Book) After Ed-werd Rew-shay Written, illustrated and designed in one week by Zoë Sadokierski. Printed on the Espresso Book Machine in about 5 minutes,…

Blog Post.

How publishing works: a book designer’s perspective

Publishing is the process of getting the author’s story out of her or his head and into the hands of a reader. Authors don’t write books, they write manuscripts. Publishing…

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Experimental book making briefs

In 2020, I wrote these book making briefs as ‘structured play’ for my honours students to help them think through making, and also shared them through the…


Uncanny Landscapes

A book chapter, co-authored with Monica Monin and Andrew Burrell, on information visualisations which use material and experimental approaches to communicating data about environmental conservation and climate change.


Moree, 1987

Originally published in Going Down Swinging, issue 23 (2006) My mouth is thick with hot, dry air and my limbs blacken with tics before the screen door bangs…


Critical Journal Contextual Portfolio

A paper presented at the Research Through Design conference in Delft, The Netherlands, 19-22 March 2019. The full paper is available to download via…


Where the book went next

Digital Culture Talk, National Library of Australia 9 December, 2014 Event blurb: How we read has been evolving since the advent of the internet and mobile devices…

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Golden Age of Book Design

Confident that a market for print books remains, publishers are investing in design and production that distinguish printed books as desirable objects.

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The art of book design

Books are object to be read but also totems that tell stories about us through their physical presence in our lives. Favourite books line our living spaces, their spines display titles and authors that communicate something about us to our guests, and remind us of worlds we have inhabited through reading.


Interview: Shifter Media

I met photographer, book maker and writer Daniel Milnor through Garry Trinh, while doing events on the indie publishing circuit. Dan and I have had several inspiring conversations about self…

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Selfies with artworks

Some thoughts on: Selfies with famous artworks; How to display artist's books

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Print-on-demand experiments

This project is a book I conceived of before breakfast and printed before lunch.

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Conversations about artists’ books with Steve Clay, Johanna Drucker, David Senior, Shana Agid

Conversations about artist book publishing with some of my heros in NYC and LA, 2015


On reading with our hands

Originally published in The Book of Days: An anthology of the 2015 Sydney Writers Festival (2015), from a talk given during the festival I’m going…

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NYPL Public Eye

New York Public Library 5th Ave at 42nd St, NYC Wednesday 25 March 2015 I enter through Bryant Park,…


Photographs in the novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

In a novel that addresses the aftermath of a highly visual catastrophe, photographs communicate in ways that words alone could not.


Disturbing the Text: Typographic devices in literary fiction

The article aims to illustrate ways authors have experimented with typographic devices to literary affect, and to encourage more experimentation with word-image interplay as a storytelling device.